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츠바메 산조 x AMINA 스틸 식기

츠바메 산조 x AMINA 스틸 식기

A collaboration between our original brand "Amina" and "Tsubame Sanjo", a factory region famous for metal processing, stainless steel and copper tableware.

In celebration of this collaboration, we are happy to introduce the exquisite craftsmanship of Tsubame Sanjo.

 츠바메산조 - 크래프트맨스hip

~Incorporating Korean craftsmanship into outdoor tools~
Tsubame-Sanjo is an industrial area in Niigata Prefecture that has spread its popularity around the world.
It is mainly well known for its production of premium quality products such as cutlery, metalwork, stainless steel and copper tableware.
With the growth of overseas exports, the spirit of their craftsmanship passed down from the Edo period (1603-1867) is now being recognized worldwide.

Native American motifs are incorporated to give the products a luxurious and majestic style.

Let's celebrate the world of camping with world-recognized craftsmanship. :)

세도나플레이트 시에라컵
세도나 플레이트 세도나통


오래가는 도자기로 자연의 아름다움을 느껴보세요 

When you think of cutlery for a barbecues or camping trip, you tend to think of disposable options.

지속 가능성이 세계적인 관심사인 오늘날 세계에서 고품질의 전통 수공예 제품은 야외 사용을 위한 일회용 옵션에 대한 신뢰할 수 있고 훌륭한 대안입니다.

이 시리즈에서는 츠바메산조 제품을 XNUMX종류 만들었습니다.
Each is decorated with Native American motifs that are inspired by the lore and wish representing majestic nature.

The Sierra cup is made from a thick stainless steel plate, which can function as a plate, a bowl, or even a cup when open flame cooking is used. It also has a scale built inside to serve as a measuring cup.

The Sedona tongs are made of stainless steel material SUS821L1 which is lighter than conventional stainless steel materials. Lightweight and easily graspable through light force, the tongs are highly durable with excellent corrosion and rust resistance.

큰 것은 바베큐 스토브, 중간 것은 서빙용, 작은 것은 개인용으로 사용하실 수 있습니다.

마지막으로 집게와 시에라 컵에 어울리는 접시 디자인을 선택하세요.
이제 캠핑을 떠날 준비가 되었습니다.

캠핑 식기로 캠핑을 즐겨보세요 :)

아리가 토,

→캠핑 관련 상품 쇼핑하기 여기에서 지금 확인해 보세요..
캠핑 컬렉션

컴을 남겨주세요ment

와ments는 표시되기 전에 승인됩니다.


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